Saturday, July 16, 2022

Low bed occupancy? Strategies to escalate.

 In recent years, hospitals have become increasingly engaged in mergers, affiliations, downsizings, and creation of health care networks. This has led to an approximate 25%reduction in the number of hospital beds with an increasing proportion of their inpatient coming from the unpredictable fluctuating demands of emergency admissions rather than planned elective patients during the last 20 years. Finding a suitable bed would, thus, become a scarce commodity in the Indian context considering their average bed population ratio of 6.8:10000. Moreover, the cost of making a new bed available varies between Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 100,000 along with the additional costs of their maintenance.

Lack of beds in such a scenario would result in a longer boarding time (48.7 minutes) for the hospitals with more than 50,000 or more annual visits in comparison to the ones with less than 20,000 annual visits (24.1 minutes) as per the National Health Survey, 2018. Due to this, hospital managers have been under constant pressure of reducing the bed capacity to increase their occupancy rates in the name of operational efficiency. This would require our health systems to add capacity without construction in order to get ahead of demand while maintaining or improving patient outcomes and satisfaction with the following action points.

Using data analytics for a better bed allocation:

Bed occupancy as a measure has shown a recent increase where hospitals with average bed occupancy levels above 85% can expect to have regular bed shortages, periodic bed crises, and increased numbers of acquired health care infections.

An average length of hospital stay (ALOS) is defined by the inpatient stay requiring continuous and active medical, nursing, or paramedical treatment which couldn’t be provided through external care, day care, or outpatient care.

ALOS = No. of inpatient days

Number of discharges and deaths in that month

Bed occupancy ratio (BOR) is the average daily number of persons hospitalized per

thousands of populations. It reflects efficiency in the use of hospital beds where a hospital is

considered to be operating efficiently at BOR of 80–90%

BOR = No. of inpatient days × 100%

No. of days in a given month

A large number of bed for an economically developed country would imply a larger volume of hospital utilization though it is unlikely that these two trends might correlate. With the help of such indices, the hospitals would be able to identify key process and outcome metrics for addressing the dearth of beds across departments. This can help increase transparency and measure impact by taking advantage of the following predictive capabilities:

  • A 24 – hour discharge dashboard to show the patient discharge plan throughout the hospital. Such data would help the team identify patients which are most likely to be discharged in order to ensure that they aren’t taking up beds.

  • An annual capacity management assessment to help healthcare facilities differentiate a year-long capacity problem from seasonal spikes. 

Improving the efficiency of bed allocation with staffing patterns:

The scrutiny of internal healthcare systems along with their organizational factors has been attributable to the significant portion of delayed discharges. This includes patients waiting for results of investigations, consultant’s input, assessment from specialist health care providers, transport, and pharmacy services as typical inefficiency or provision failures. Directing inpatient flow is knowing where and when bed staff needs to be deployed in the hospital’s support services. This would require assigning and equipping the staff efficiently for better patient care with a reduced average length of stay. Facilitating earlier discharge in this way would eventually increase the bed capacity of a hospital which may, otherwise, severely affect the admissions and discharge procedure.

Process improvement:

Most of the hospital beds remain occupied from the high volume of patients stay which subsequently increases the length of time required to manage patients’ complaints. The type, extent, and quality of health care service in such a case would affect bed utilization in a number of ways. The resulting inefficiency gaps in the demand-capacity ratio of available beds and unnecessary delays in bed turnaround processes would, therefore, need to be addressed with the following action points:

  • Tracking the bed turnaround time – i.e. elapsed length of time between patient 1 leaving and patient 2 arriving.
  • Improving communication between the services team who cleans the beds and the allocated nurse assigning new patients in those beds
  • Timely recognition and response to the bed status signal for maintaining an uninterrupted process flow.

  • Creating a ‘Transitional Care Area’ to transfer the stable patients from their monitored bed and, thereby, increasing their capacity for new patients.

Flexibility in bed usage is considered to be a key concept for the efficient management of hospital beds. Eliminating such long hospital stays would subsequently decrease the hospital costs and the risks of no socomial infection, and spare available bed resources for patient reporting.

Managing patient flow to free up bed capacity:

The level of risk to both patients and hospital is a function of the rate at which new emergency patients arrive at the hospital, the rate at which emergency patients are subsequently discharged, and the daily available bed capacity. This require the standardization of decision process for the patient placement, bed utilization, and appropriate allocation of resources which would lead to higher bed occupancy through the following points:

  • An evidence based triage assessment such as the Emergency Severity Index (ESI) or a triage acuity scale would help determine the patient acuity and priority of care at triage. Following this, the patients can either be moved to an ED room or may have to wait for care, if not critically ill.
  • Developing an Early Team Evaluation (ETE) protocol to determine which patients may be treated and wait safely in a chair rather than a hospital bed.

By using this preventive strategy, hospitals would be able to reduce patient’s length of stay and their high bed occupancy rate. This would eventually help in the business excellence for healthcare professionals as a management tool for improving the operational efficiency of healthcare services and their use of existing facilities without compromising on the quality of care.

Enrol with Certification in Business Excellence for Healthcare professionals for further information

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Majeed, M.U., Williams, D.T., Pollock, R., Amir, F., Liam, M., Foong, K.S. and Whitaker, C.J., 2012. Delay in discharge and its impact on unnecessary hospital bed occupancy. BMC health services research, 12(1), pp.1-6. 

National Accreditation Board for Hospitals (NABH) standards, 5 th edition, 2020 Qureshi, W. and Hassan, G., 2014. A five year retrospective study of bed utilization trends in a tertiary care teaching institution. JK Science, 16(3), p.119.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Must have ICU Nursing Skills to Succeed

 Working as a nurse in an intensive care unit entails working with some of the most vulnerable people in the medical system. As a result, particular abilities are required for ICU nursing. Nurses can improve their own job prospects while simultaneously providing better patient care by learning more about Critical Care Nursing. ICU nurses have the same responsibilities as regular nurses, but their patients are frequently intubated, ventilated, and have multiple IV drips running at the same time. Let us deeply understand the nursing abilities an ICU nurse ought to have.

Essential Nursing Skills in the ICU 

1.Technical Skills 

Every list of ICU nursing abilities begins with a thorough education and practical experience. That makes sense because ICU nurses are frequently responsible for key procedures, including inserting a central line, monitoring a patient's neurological status, facilitating ventilatory support, administering medication, and much more. Investing in continuing education and broadening your procedural repertoire is a superb way to improve your ICU nursing abilities and attract recruiters, also resulting in optimal patient care.

2. Teamwork and Communication Competence

ICU nurses are usually part of a diverse team and being a team player is an important ability for ICU nurses. Every health practitioner you interact with will be involved in your patient's acute treatment. Treatment errors might occur if teams do not communicate well. No one can execute their work well unless they communicate with the rest of the team. According to studies, poor team communication has been linked to everything from high turnover rates to low morale, none of which is beneficial for nurses or individuals in need of medical care. When you're dealing with people who have such a wide range of needs, even the tiniest mistake might have a detrimental influence on their health. Positive team culture is equally important in this environment.

3. Strength, Determination and Passion for the job 

Working in the intensive care unit is really difficult. Caring for critically ill and fragile patients is both emotionally and physically demanding. In the face of adversity, you must be tough and emotionally resilient as an ICU nurse. However, ICU nurses who are passionate about their profession may find it easier to appreciate the good days and save little incentives, such as a patient's improved health or a kind remark from a patient's loved one, to rely on when worry and exhaustion are at their peak. Critical care is not a job that should be taken lightly or performed solely for monetary gain. You'll need to be both caring and strong in these situations. This necessitates striking a balance between compassion and not internalizing and carrying the sorrow home with you.

4. Excellent Organizing Abilities 

ICU nursing jobs are complex, and chaos is disruptive and deadly. Poor organizational skills can lead to errors in patient care. Organization is high on the list of ICU nursing skills. According to the report, while some errors are caused by insurance troubles or other system flaws, others are caused by gaps in the protocol, differences in medical practices, and poorly coordinated treatment. One must ensure that the information recorded about patients is accurate and up-to-date. The staff may be dealing with erroneous data if patient records and other documentation aren't filled out appropriately. Perhaps overdoing or under doing medicine or incorrectly handling other aspects of care in accordance with the patient's former state of health, rather than what they truly required at the time.

5. Ability to Evaluate Complex and Changing Situations

Nurses must have excellent critical thinking skills. Patients in the ICU can swiftly worsen, needing urgent decisions and practically immediate action. It's a question of life and death in these instances, so being able to evaluate data and weigh all available solutions in a couple of seconds is crucial. An ICU nurse must be strong in order to go through difficult situations while still having a compassionate heart. The ability to strike a balance between emotional fortitude and empathy is a difficult ICU nursing talent to master, but the greatest ICU nurses try to achieve that level of professional and personal harmony.

6. Astute and Calm Under Pressure

In the ICU, a patient's condition might suddenly deteriorate. As a nurse, you must be able to recognize signs of their condition deteriorating as soon as possible. Especially if you are attached too much to the patient, there will be frequent emotionally charged moments. You must maintain your composure while carrying out your responsibilities. Also, be a calming and consoling presence for people who are worried or disturbed about the situation.

Nursing Education and Certification 

A nursing degree, which is a prerequisite for becoming a registered nurse, will provide you with the skills to operate successfully with a multidisciplinary team, drugs, medical equipment, and other critical nursing elements. Following that, you have the option of pursuing a higher education diploma. The Astron Institute of International Studies offers a Critical Care Nursing certification course to help you improve your skills as an ICU nurse. This course is incredibly advantageous to learners because they can be studied online, in addition to providing more admission alternatives. That is, you will study toward improved nursing skills by taking classes at your own pace and at your own time. Simply click on the link below to see our Critical Care Nurse certification course.


Nurses in intensive care units spend so much time caring for others that they often neglect to look after themselves. Dealing with high amounts of stress for an extended length of time may be harmful. Exercising, reading a good book, meditating, cooking, volunteering and going on outings with friends are all effective ways to relieve mental and physical stress. Knowing this list of critical ICU nursing skills is beneficial to your job, your satisfaction, and the well-being of your patients, regardless of where you are in your nursing career. 

References: lls-needed-to-succeed/

Low bed occupancy? Strategies to escalate.

 In recent years, hospitals have become increasingly engaged in mergers, affiliations, downsizings, and creation of health care networks. Th...